The Minneapolis, Minnesota punk scene is known for it's rough and to the point take on punk rock. Like every single band I'll probably post on here, you'll be able to pick out personal lyrics about heartache, drinking, and hope. These guys have their own spin on Jawbreaker influenced punk, smoked by the Lawrence Arms and seasoned with some Replacements. On this 8-song album, Banner Pilot delivers. Honestly, I can't believe these guys JUST got picked up by a record label a year after this album. Put this on during a long drive and you'll be good. Just don't be an idiot like me and fuck up your driver-side mirror.
Banner Pilot - "Pass The Poison"
1. Bender
2. Uptown Sleep Solution
3. Sunbelt Scars
4. Portland Lights
5. Wide Awake On Lake Street
6. Columbia Lows
7. River City Blackout
8. Ever Fallen In Love
kik @ the last sentence
tru about great music to drive to, although they need to release more material (new album this summer)
yo man your mirror is FUCKED up!
the city of Minnesota is like that because it's right next to New York City!
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